The Stars
Adventure Videos
Have you ever wondered…how do I share the story of Isaac and Abraham or the account of Jacob and Esau? Many accounts in the Bible are challenging enough for adults, but when you are considering sharing these accounts with kids, you may feel a bit under-qualified for the job. Have no fear…StoryMakers is here and we have just the guide for you.
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How do we tell the Story?
StoryMakers recognize the power of the imagination as the entry point to the stories of the Bible and our faith. We believe when kids act out the part of the story they are able to commit to memory the stories of the Bible with ease. They will also be able to identify how God is actively at work to redeem all of creation.
Each Zine provides a way for grown-ups to illuminate the redemptive aspects of each biblical account. Each chapter draws children into the story and points them to God’s redemptive work through an ordinary family. StoryMakers get to act out all the parts, dig into fun facts and engage in a creative activity. Each chapter builds up the story so kids are a BIG picture of the entire story.
Grown-ups are Guides.
It is important to have a Gospel lens when approaching the stories of the Old Testament.
Your approach will determine how children interpret each biblical account and understand if God is for or against them. Kids can discover so much more when they activate their imagination, begin to see God as a redeemer, and working “all things for good.”
Start your adventure with a Starter Kit. Each adventure includes all the essential tools you need to get started! The Stars is a 12-week series that explores Genesis 11-33, including the stories of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Rebekah, Rachel, and more! This adventure moves through the emotions of fear and jealousy, with the ultimate reminder of God's steadfast faithfulness to his people.
Each chapter offers six opportunities to engage with the lesson. StoryMakers will enjoy visuals, interactive storytelling, fun facts, thoughts to ponder, and hands-on activities.
Each kit includes:
5 Zines*
2 Guides
2 Playbooks
2 Sets of Memory Cards
12 Downloadable Chapter Visuals
*StoryMakers zines are intended for use by one child and may not be reproduced. Each zine has space for reflection, note-taking, and doodling. Zines are a place for a child to express their questions, discoveries, and creativity as they explore the ancient stories of the Bible and faith in God.